junior suitable items of the party to wear

Did you know there are literally HUNDREDS of "Tired Mom" shirts on Etsy?? HUNDREDS. Look, I get it. I've been there. It's okay for us moms to be tired, we have an incredibly hard job, but...

I KNOW what it's like to live in a perpetual state of exhaustion...

I KNOW what it's like to wake up in the morning only to turn on a cartoon for your young kids, pour some dry cereal in a cup for them and lay on the couch just so you can attempt to squeeze in another 30 minutes...

I KNOW what it's like to almost fall asleep behind the wheel just trying to get to the grocery store...

I KNOW what it's like to ache in your heart to have the energy to play and be silly with your kids and to enjoy them, but barely have the energy to even read them a book without dozing off...

I KNOW what it's like to snap at your kids for no reason other than you're overwhelmingly exhausted, then feel tremendous guilt for losing your cool over something trivial...

I KNOW what it's like to have serious, tearful conversations with your husband almost daily about how tired you are and how it's impeding your ability to enjoy your motherhood... and to also tearfully, question if you're "okay"...

I. KNOW. And these shirts would be a lot "cuter" to me if I didn't KNOW the heartache and guilt that takes up residence behind that level of tired...And what kills me is that it's like the vast majority of Moms have just decided that exhaustion is our anthem and "really freaking tired" is our badge of honor for this stage of life. Mama friend, I beg you, DON'T settle for that.

What if you balanced your body and it changed EVERYTHING for you?? What if balancing your blood sugar gave you sustained energy all day with no crashes and helped you feel more calm and equipped to deal with whatever the day holds? What if the right probiotic helped you to wake up refreshed in the morning? What if this overhauled how you function as a wife and Mom and made you significantly better at both?? What if? junior suitable items of the party to wear
THIS is why I share. # byebyetiredlife # guthealthgamechanger # dontsettle